Contact Us

Mailing Address:
216 S. Main Street
Akron, OH 44308

For directions to the museum (which takes you to parking deck) use below address: 
51 W. State Street
Akron, OH 44308

Phone: 330-396-6103

Executive Director
Traci Buckner - traci [at]

Tommy the monsterOperations Manager
Tessa Tegel - tessa [at]

Education Coordinator
Programs, Field Trips, and Internships
Kat Dunlap - education [at]

Visitor Experience & Special Events Coordinator
Susan Lindeman - susan [at]

Grants Manager
Sponsorships & Grants
Linda Bare - linda [at]


Interested in Volunteering? 

Fill out an application!


Requesting a Donation?

The Akron Children’s Museum takes pride in our support of local nonprofit organizations and schools. Donation requests will only be considered if the request is being made by a non-profit group. The non-profit group making the request must be located in the greater Akron area. All donation requests will be reviewed within 2 weeks. If you would like to request a donation from ACM, please e-mail operations [at]